NASDAQ: AUID - authID Inc.

Доходность за полгода: +20.57%
Сектор: Technology

График акции authID Inc.

О компании

authID Inc. provides secure, biometric, identity verification, and strong passwordless and biometric authentication for consumer and workforce applications worldwide. The company offers solutions through its Verified platform to enable their users to easily verify and authenticate their identity through a mobile device or desktop.

It provides Biometric Identity Verification, which establishes the trusted identity of users based on a variety of ground truth sources, including chip-based electronic machine-readable travel documents, national IDs, and driver's licenses; Human Factor Authentication that delivers trusted FIDO2 strong authentication for device-based passwordless login and transaction authentication that is tied to a trusted identity; Cloud-Based Biometric Multi-Factor Authentication, which provides any bank, enterprise, or government department a secure and convenient application for identity verification and transaction consent as part of any type of electronic transaction; and Identity - Portal that enables enterprises to get started with its identity products without any integration. The company also offers SEARCH, a biometric matching software for desktop fingerprint capture and image processing. The company was formerly known as Ipsidy Inc. and changed its name to authID Inc. authID Inc. was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado.

Основные параметры

Цена ао 7.39
Выручка 0.0026
EBITDA -0.0076
P/S 8.79
P/BV 2.71
ISIN US46264C2061
Число акций ао 0.00615 млрд
Изменение цены за день: +6.1% (10.33)
Изменение цены за неделю: +42.15% (7.71)
Изменение цены за месяц: +46.13% (7.5)
Изменение цены за 3 месяца: +37.17% (7.99)
Изменение цены за полгода: +20.57% (9.09)
Изменение цены за год: +90.28% (5.76)
Изменение цены с начала года: +20.31% (9.11)

Все параметры ⇨



Название Значение Оценка
P/S 8.79 1
P/BV 2.71 3
P/E 0 0
EV/EBITDA -3.26 0


Название Значение Оценка
ROA, % -158.29 0
ROE, % -291.02 0


Название Значение Оценка
Div yield, % 0 0
DSI 0 0


Название Значение Оценка
Debt/EBITDA -0.0213 10

Импульс роста

Название Значение Оценка
Рост прибыли, % 10.78 2
Рост цены акции, % 0 0
Рост дивидендов, % 0 0

Основные владельцы

Институционалы Объем Доля, %
Simon Quick Advisors, LLC 130218 1.38
Leo Wealth, LLC 130218 1.38
Leo Brokerage, LLC 130217 1.38
Sonic Gp LLC 125000 1.32
Vanguard Group Inc 123311 1.3
Geode Capital Management, LLC 48047 0.51
Johnson Financial Group, Inc. 40610 0.43
Wealthspire Advisors, LLC 29867 0.32
Kestra Advisory Services, LLC 20042 0.21
Renaissance Technologies, LLC 19628 0.21

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Руководство компании

Руководитель Должность Оплата Год рождения
Mr. Thomas Robert Szoke CTO, Founder & Director 334.56k 1964 (60 лет)
Mr. Rhoniel A. Daguro CEO & Director 635.89k 1976 (48 лет)
Mr. Edward C. Sellitto Chief Financial Officer 154.02k 1985 (39 лет)
Mr. Graham N. Arad General Counsel N/A 1959 (65 лет)
Mr. Maxim Umarov Senior Vice President of Solutions Engineering 150k
Mr. Christopher White Senior Vice President of Engineering N/A 1973 (51 год)
Mr. Jeremiah Mason Chief Product Officer N/A

Информация о компании

Адрес: United States, Denver. CO, 1325 South Colorado Boulevard - открыть в Google картах, открыть Яндекс картах