NASDAQ: BLZE - Backblaze, Inc.

Доходность за полгода: -26.67%
Сектор: Technology

График акции Backblaze, Inc.

О компании

Backblaze, Inc., a storage cloud platform, provides businesses and consumers cloud services to store, use, and protect data in the United States and internationally. The company offers cloud services through a web-scale software infrastructure built on commodity hardware. It also provides Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, which enables customers to store data, developers to build applications, and partners to expand their use cases.

This service is offered as a consumption-based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and serves use cases, such as public, hybrid, and multi-cloud data storage; application development and DevOps; content delivery and edge computing; security and ransomware protection; media management; backup, archive, and tape replacement; repository for analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning; and Internet of Things. In addition, the company offers Backblaze Computer Backup that automatically backs up data from laptops and desktops for businesses and individuals, which provides a subscription-based Software-as-a-Service and serves use cases, including computer backup, ransomware protection, theft and loss protection, and remote access. It serves the public cloud IaaS storage and Data-Protection-as-a-Service markets. The company was incorporated in 2007 and is headquartered in San Mateo, California.

Основные параметры

Выручка 0.0407
EBITDA 0.0103
Число акций ао 0.03601 млрд
P/S 7.61
P/BV 5.37
EV/EBITDA 0.9527
Цена ао 9.9
ISIN US05637B1052
Изменение цены за день: -1.3115% (6.1)
Изменение цены за неделю: 0% (6.02)
Изменение цены за месяц: -17.87% (7.33)
Изменение цены за 3 месяца: -42.88% (10.54)
Изменение цены за полгода: -26.67% (8.21)
Изменение цены за год: +32.31% (4.55)
Изменение цены с начала года: -22.52% (7.77)

Все параметры ⇨



Название Значение Оценка
P/S 7.61 6
P/BV 5.37 1
P/E 0 0
EV/EBITDA 0.9527 0


Название Значение Оценка
ROA, % -42.26 0
ROE, % -105.22 0


Название Значение Оценка
Div yield, % 0 0
DSI 0 0


Название Значение Оценка
Debt/EBITDA -1.5952 10

Импульс роста

Название Значение Оценка
Рост прибыли, % 67.54 10
Рост цены акции, % 0 0
Рост дивидендов, % 0 0

Основные владельцы

Институционалы Объем Доля, %
Vanguard Group Inc 1637064 3.96
Whetstone Capital Advisors, LLC 1600789 3.87
AWM Investment Company, Inc. 1067370 2.58
First Eagle Investment Management, LLC 659515 1.59
Blackrock Inc. 583139 1.41
Millennium Management LLC 406647 0.98
Gilder, Gagnon, Howe & Co. 348731 0.84
Geode Capital Management, LLC 345217 0.83
Acadian Asset Management. LLC 317748 0.77
Susquehanna International Group, LLP 256194 0.62

Похожие компании

Руководство компании

Руководитель Должность Оплата Год рождения
Mr. Gleb Budman Co-Founder, CEO & Chairman 534.9k 1975 (49 лет)
Mr. Tim Nufire Co-Founder N/A 1965 (59 лет)
Mr. Brian Wilson Co-Founder 429.87k 1968 (56 лет)
Mr. Francis P. Patchel Chief Financial Officer 474.9k 1958 (66 лет)
Mr. Casey Jones Co-Founder N/A
Mr. Hang Ng Kwok Co-Founder N/A
Mr. Nilay Patel Co-Founder & VP of Sales N/A
Damon Uyeda Co-Founder N/A
Ms. Anu Patil Vice President of Revenue Strategy & Operations N/A
Ms. Tina Cessna Senior Vice President of Engineering 405.9k 1965 (59 лет)

Информация о компании

Адрес: United States, San Mateo. CA, 500 Ben Franklin Ct - открыть в Google картах, открыть Яндекс картах