NASDAQ: PMD - Psychemedics Corporation

Доходность за полгода: -21.33%
Сектор: Healthcare

График акции Psychemedics Corporation

О компании

Psychemedics Corporation provides testing services for the detection of drugs of abuse through the analysis of hair samples in the United States and internationally. The company offers screening and confirmation by mass spectrometry using industry-accepted practices for cocaine, marijuana, and PCP; amphetamines, including ecstasy, eve, and Adderall; opiates, such as heroin, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxymorphone, and codeine; synthetic cannabinoids comprising K2, Spice, and Blaze; benzodiazepines consisting of Xanax, Valium, and Ativan; and nicotine, Fentanyl, and alcohol.

Its testing results provide quantitative information that could indicate the approximate amount of drug ingested, as well as historical data that could show a pattern of individual drug use over a longer period-of-time. The company offers its services to employers for applicant and employee testing; and treatment professionals, law enforcement agencies, school administrators, and parents concerned about their children's drug use. Psychemedics Corporation was incorporated in 1986 and is headquartered in Acton, Massachusetts.

Основные параметры

Цена ао 3
Выручка 0.0377
EBITDA 0.003
P/E 32.78
P/S 1.3417
P/BV 3.01
ISIN US7443752057
Число акций ао 0.00574 млрд
Изменение цены за день: -2.6% (2.31)
Изменение цены за неделю: 0% (2.25)
Изменение цены за месяц: -12.45% (2.5701)
Изменение цены за 3 месяца: -23.99% (2.96)
Изменение цены за полгода: -21.33% (2.86)
Изменение цены за год: -51.61% (4.65)
Изменение цены с начала года: -22.95% (2.92)

Все параметры ⇨



Название Значение Оценка
P/S 1.3417 10
P/BV 3.01 6
P/E 32.78 0
EV/EBITDA 16.42 0


Название Значение Оценка
ROA, % -25.96 0
ROE, % -47.63 0


Название Значение Оценка
Div yield, % 7.81 10
DSI 0.71 7


Название Значение Оценка
Debt/EBITDA -9.16 10

Импульс роста

Название Значение Оценка
Рост прибыли, % 139.65 10
Рост цены акции, % 0 0
Рост дивидендов, % -328.57 0

Основные владельцы

Институционалы Объем Доля, %
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Renaissance Technologies, LLC 265563 4.57
Vanguard Group Inc 251283 4.33
RBF Capital, LLC 142142 2.45
Ancora Advisors, Llc 78173 1.35
Blackrock Inc. 77267 1.33
Wedbush Securities Inc 48664 0.84
Geode Capital Management, LLC 36596 0.63
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 36117 0.62
Crawford Investment Counsel, Inc. 20098 0.35

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Руководство компании

Руководитель Должность Оплата Год рождения
Mr. Brian Hullinger President, CEO & Director 361.37k 1968 (56 лет)
Dr. Werner A. Baumgartner Ph.D. Founder N/A
Ms. Annette Baumgartner Founder N/A
Mr. Michael Weisenhoff Principal Financial & Accounting Manager N/A 1990 (34 года)
Ms. Shannon Shoemaker Chief Revenue Officer 187.82k
Mr. Patrick J. Kinney Jr. Secretary N/A
Ms. Daniella Mehalik Vice President of Finance 126.41k 1990 (34 года)

Информация о компании

Адрес: United States, Acton. MA, 289 Great Road - открыть в Google картах, открыть Яндекс картах