NSE: TECHNOE_NS - Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited

Доходность за полгода: +90.56%
Сектор: Industrials

График акции Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited

Расширенный график Простой график

О компании

Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited provides engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services to the power generation, transmission, and distribution sectors in India. The company operates through EPC and Energy segments. It provides solutions for captive power plants, balance of plant for thermal and hydro power projects, utilities for power projects, and flue gas desulphurisation plants; constructs air-insulated and gas-insulated substations; and installs overhead lines.

The company also undertakes industrial projects, such as plant electrical and illumination systems, oil handling plants, fire protection systems, air conditioning and ventilation systems, offsite piping systems, water and allied systems, as well as naptha and diesel based systems for turbine-based power plant; and power distribution systems to power intensive industries. In addition, it is involved in the generation of wind power in Tamil Nadu with a capacity of 129.9 MW. Further, the company engages in building transmission linkages. It serves power, steel, fertilizer, metals, petrochemicals, and other sectors. The company was founded in 1963 and is headquartered in Kolkata, India.

Основные параметры

Выручка 9.89
P/E 16
P/S 3.13
P/BV 2.17
Цена ао 737.35
Число акций ао 0.10923 млрд
Сайт https://www.techno.co.in
Изменение цены за день: -0.6344% (1465.95)
Изменение цены за неделю: +18.37% (1230.6)
Изменение цены за месяц: +30.71% (1114.45)
Изменение цены за 3 месяца: +123.81% (650.85)
Изменение цены за полгода: +90.56% (764.4)
Изменение цены за год: +305.58% (359.15)
Изменение цены с начала года: +94.4% (749.3)

Все параметры ⇨



Название Значение Оценка
P/S 3.13 4
P/BV 2.17 8
P/E 16 7
EV/EBITDA 11.12 6


Название Значение Оценка
ROA, % 7.06 2
ROE, % 9.89 3


Название Значение Оценка
Div yield, % 0.8503 1
DSI 0.93 9


Название Значение Оценка
Debt/EBITDA 0 10

Импульс роста

Название Значение Оценка
Рост прибыли, % 20.98 4
Рост цены акции, % 0 0
Рост дивидендов, % 73.33 10

Похожие компании

Руководство компании

Руководитель Должность Оплата Год рождения
Mr. Padam Prakash Gupta MD & Executive Chairman N/A 1950 (74 года)
Mr. Ankit Saraiya Whole Time Director 2.4M 1986 (38 лет)
Mr. Sujoy Ray Group President N/A 1957 (67 лет)
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Lohia Chief Financial Officer N/A 1964 (60 лет)
Mr. Deepak Bafna General Manager of Accounts & Finance N/A
Mr. Niranjan Brahma Compliance Officer & Company Secretary N/A 1970 (54 года)
Mr. Ajay Khajuria Assistant VP & CHRO Human Resources N/A
Sheikh Anoar Ali President Business Development N/A
Mr. Asim Kumar Mitra Executive Director of Electrical N/A

Информация о компании

Адрес: India, Kolkata, 1B. Park Plaza - открыть в Google картах, открыть Яндекс картах
Сайт: https://www.techno.co.in