ОФЗ 26234

Yield per half year: 0.87%
Category: ОФЗ

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Parameter ОФЗ 26234 ОФЗ 26246 ОФЗ 26219 ОФЗ 26232 ОФЗ 26218
Price 90.34 78.7 81.7 71.75 66.15
Yield to maturity 21.59 16.8 21.09 20.05 17.78
Coupon yield 4.5 12 7.75 6 8.5
Profitability coupon from current price 4.98 15.25 9.49 8.36 12.85
Current yield on coupons with reinvestment 5.04 15.83 9.71 8.54 13.26
Payout frequency 182 182 182 182 182
NKD 14.55 15.78 11.68 5.59 11.18
  • Rating Эксперт: ruAAA
  • Rating Эксперт: ruAAA
  • Rating Эксперт: ruAAA
  • Rating Эксперт: ruAAA
  • Rating Эксперт: ruAAA
Duration 242 2113 628 965 1773
Posting date 03-06-2020 15-05-2024 29-06-2016 04-12-2019 28-10-2015
Next payment date 15-01-2025 26-03-2025 19-03-2025 09-04-2025 26-03-2025
Date of offer
Maturity date 16-07-2025 12-03-2036 16-09-2026 06-10-2027 17-09-2031

Price chart

ОФЗ 26234

ОФЗ 26246

ОФЗ 26219

ОФЗ 26232

ОФЗ 26218

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