NASDAQ: GAIN - Gladstone Investment Corporation

Доходность за полгода: -2.34%

График акции Gladstone Investment Corporation

О компании

Gladstone Investment Corporation is business development company, specializes in lower middle market, mature stage, buyouts; refinancing existing debt; senior debt securities such as senior loans, senior term loans, lines of credit, and senior notes; senior subordinated debt securities such as senior subordinated loans and senior subordinated notes; junior subordinated debt securities such as subordinated notes and mezzanine loans; limited liability company interests, and warrants or options. The fund does not invest in start-ups.

The fund seeks to invest in manufacturing, consumer products and business/consumer services sector. It seeks to invest in small and mid-sized companies based in the United States. The fund prefers to make debt investments between $5 million and $30 million and equity investments between $10 million and $40 million in companies. The fund seeks to invest in companies with revenue between $20 million and $100 million. The fund invests in companies with EBITDA from $3 million to $20 million. It seeks minority equity ownership and prefers to hold a board seat in its portfolio companies. It also prefers to take majority stake in its portfolio companies. The fund typically holds the investments for seven years and exits via sale or recapitalization, initial public offering, or sale to third party.

Выручка 0.0992
EBITDA 0.1017
Число акций ао 0.03331 млрд
P/E 4.66
P/S 3.84
P/BV 0.9348
Цена ао 13.96
ISIN US3765461070
Див.доход ао 6.57
Дивиденд ао 0.56
Изменение цены за день: 0% (14.19)
Изменение цены за неделю: +1.9397% (13.92)
Изменение цены за месяц: +1.0684% (14.04)
Изменение цены за 3 месяца: +2.75% (13.81)
Изменение цены за полгода: -2.34% (14.53)
Изменение цены за год: +4.11% (13.63)
Изменение цены с начала года: -0.7692% (14.3)

Все параметры ⇨


Название Значение Оценка
P/S 3.84 1
P/BV 0.9348 9
P/E 4.66 8


Название Значение Оценка
ROA, % 4.72 1
ROE, % 8.03 3


Название Значение Оценка
Div yield, % 6.58 10
DSI 0.86 9


Название Значение Оценка
Debt/EBITDA 5.69 1

Импульс роста

Название Значение Оценка
Рост прибыли, % 50.76 10
Рост цены акции, % 0 0
Рост дивидендов, % 46.4 9

Дивиденды, % Дивиденды По итогам периода Купить до Дата закрытия реестра Выплата до
0.55% 0.08 III кв. 2023 13.12.2023 15.12.2023 01.01.2024

Институционалы Объем Доля, %
Melia Wealth LLC 945539 2.58
Van Eck Associates Corporation 618560 1.69
Two Sigma Investments, LP 300646 0.82
Two Sigma Advisers, LP 260242 0.71
Legal & General Group PLC 257435 0.7
Outfitter Financial LLC 213795 0.58
Davenport & Co Llc 207842 0.57
Blackrock Inc. 172783 0.47
LPL Financial LLC 165841 0.45
Blair (William) & Company, L.L.C. 154529 0.42

Руководитель Должность Оплата Год рождения
Mr. David John Gladstone Chairman & CEO N/A 1942 (82 года)
Mr. David A. R. Dullum President 33k 1948 (76 лет)
Ms. Rachael Z. Easton CFO & Treasurer N/A 1985 (39 лет)
Mr. Terry Lee Brubaker Assistant Secretary & COO N/A 1944 (80 лет)
Ms. Karin McLaughlin Investor Relations Specialist N/A
Mr. Michael Bernard LiCalsi Esq., J.D. General Counsel & Secretary N/A 1970 (54 года)
Mr. John Anthony Dellafiora Jr., CPA Chief Compliance Officer N/A
Ms. Paula Novara Head of Resources Management & Director N/A 1970 (54 года)
Ms. Erika Highland Managing Director N/A
Mr. Christopher J. Lee Managing Director N/A

Адрес: United States, McLean. VA, 1521 Westbranch Drive - открыть в Google картах, открыть Яндекс картах